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CANstruction 2016 - Let's Go Crazy, Not Hungry

November 28th, 2016

We participated in the annual CANstruction competition this year for the first time as a company. CANstruction is an annual competition pitting different design and construction firms against each other to see how can build the most amazing structures using non-perishable food items. All the food was donated to the Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC), our local food bank.

After vetting through many many ideas, we settled on a great one, proposed and designed by our very own Allen Levy, as a homage to one of the greatest musicians of all time who left us too early this year.

We used a combination of canned potatoes, dried soup mix, canned soup, olives, Thai curry packets, chocolate biscuits, and tuna (all in purple, black, silver, and gold!) to create our guitar and platinum record.

Thanks to all those who helped to build our structure - Domineau, Chris, TJ, Allen, and Purvi, and thanks to everyone who helped us raise the funds to cover the cost of the cans. We couldn't have done this without all of you!

We had a great time putting it together, and even though we didn't win a prize this year, we are pumped to try again next year. To learn more about the teams that competed and to see this year's winner, please click here.

Below are some construction images with a final pictures that shows the finished product.

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Viva Prince! You are sorely missed.

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