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Model Checker for Revit New Release Features - Unit Support

Jason KunkelDecember 15th, 2016

The Model Checker for Revit is a great free utility that you can use to check for BIM standard compliance in your Revit model.  The Model Checker Configurator is the sister application (also free) that builds the checks that the Model Checker uses. Check? Check.

A new release has dropped for the Model Checker and the Configurator (the releases usually go hand in hand) and if you use the Configurator to make checks and are a little tired of doing some math to get your length and area checks to match the Revit default, this update is for you.

The Configurator now supports building checks and using a unit different than the Revit database standard.  For example, did you know that even if your model's units are set to metric, the Revit database stills stores that data as feet?  It does some math on the fly and shows you the unit you are asking for.  Now the Configurator will do the same thing.

When you build a check with the Wizard or the Advanced interface, if you are checking a value, there are new options that let you select the measure type (length, area, angle, etc) and then once you select that, you get to select the unit that you are checking.  The drop down will change dynamically and the Advanced view of the filter will show the unit by the number.

When you build it just type the number in.  The Configurator will put the unit in for you.  For example, in the Value field I am going to type 7 and then select "Length" and "Feet". I am not going to type in 7' or 7 feet.


This should help avoid any rounding or math confusion when you build your checks.

Nerdy under the hood note: if you look at your checks in a text editor (they are XML files after all) the stored value will be the "translated" value; the Configurator does the math when you select your unit and stores it in the Revit DB default value, not necessarily the value you put in.  The Configurator will make it all look correct when you open up the check and look at it.

So grab the new version and check it out! And remember to upgrade all your installs of Model Checker if you are using the new checks.

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