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Ways to Help during COVID-19

March 27th, 2020

The CADD Foundation was established in 2013, and its mission is to connect people with volunteer and educational opportunities that allow them to positively impact their local communities. Given the current circumstances, the Foundation wants to take a minute to connect our followers with ideas and opportunities to help at a time when so many people could use it.

Below is a volunteer segment we call "Being a Good Neighbor" and it includes ways our team is helping out during this difficult time:

  • Check in on your neighbors - especially the elderly. If you are going to the store, ask them what they need.   
  • Donate extra food to homeless shelters or community kitchens, or donate money online.
  • Join Facebook Groups and Nextdoor (Neighborhood Hub) to get updates to your specific neighborhood and how they are dealing with virus to help each other out.
  • Support students in need while schools are closed. Many local school districts have set up funds to provide students and their families with meals during the closure.
  • Don't forget about our furry friends! Animal shelters are currently closed and in need of help too. Please consider donating, fostering or simply sharing the virtual tours on social media so that others can see the pets available for adoption. Check with your local shelter to see how you can help.
  • Blood banks are facing severe shortages, as their regular blood drives are being cancelled. You can help by donating blood if you feel comfortable doing so. The blood donation process has always been safe, and they are putting even more social distancing and sanitation practices into place.
  • If you have extra masks, consider donating them to your local hospital. They are running low.
  • Check in on your family and friends, and come up with creative ways to stay connected. FaceTime is wonderful, Virtual "movie nights," daily pictures, or anything that keeps you connected. 
  • Continue to support local small businesses that had to close. Purchasing take-out from local restaurants (handling carefully of course), purchasing gift cards, supporting your gym by participating in online streaming options, etc.
  • Stay at home and only go out for the essentials or to get some fresh air. You will be supporting your family, community and all the medical/government professionals trying to fight this virus. Pro tip: some stores have online ordering and deliver to your door to help reduce exposure.
  • Schedule a virtual lunch or coffee date with someone that maybe home alone and needs social interaction. 
  • Don't buy more supplies than you need so there's enough for everyone.
  • Do you have a home cleaning service, dog walkers, etc.? Even though you may not need them currently, maybe pay as normal for now or as long as you can to help someone that may not be as fortunate. Also, give generous tips for home delivery - they are risking their lives in many cases so that we do not have to do so. Pay-it-Forward.

The CADD Foundation Committee invites you to "Be a Good Neighbor" and share your ideas, what you’ve seen, and what you’re doing to help others during this global crisis in the comments below. We can all be a good neighbor and make a difference while staying safe and maintaining social distance. To share a famous quote, “No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.” 

We look forward to seeing your comments!

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