ARKANCE and its Subsidiary U.S. CAD, Acquire CADD Microsystems. Read the announcement.
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CADD Add-ins Ready for 2020

Jason KunkelMay 14th, 2019

Members of CADD Community get access not only to fantastic training and content, but also our outstanding Revit add-ins. We have just released the 2020 versions of our great tools. If you are a CADD Community member, just log in and download the recent installer and have fun! If you are not a CADD Community member, read on to see what you are missing out on!

FilterPLUS for Revit

Seriously, if you aren't using FilterPLUS, you are wasting your valuable Revit time. FilterPLUS expands Revit's Filter tool to make it immediately more useful.

Find out how to make your Filter tool better here.

CADD Dashboard for Revit

The CADD Dashboard is a little dockable pane that can pull in a web page, Word doc, or other source and put it right in front of your Revit users' eyeballs. And with a little web coding, you can create a dynamic page that updates automatically based on information in your Revit model.

Read more about the Dashboard here.

WarningsPLUS for Revit

WarningsPLUS helps you get a handle on your warnings list making it easier to deal with them and keep your model happier.

Clean up your model easier with WarningsPLUS and find out more about it here.

Interested in learning more? We'd love to chat!

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